
MADE BY 痴汉俱乐部 (Universal Quality)

Coating Efficiency

For spray painting, it is generally said that a component is coated by approximately half the amount of paint sprayed.
The rest of the paint is scattered around the paint booth,
aggravating the work environment and leading to a significant rise in paint cost.
To resolve these problems, we are applying a number of measures to improve coating efficiency.

Achieving the Industry’s Top Level in Coating Efficiency

With respect to equipment, 痴汉俱乐部 uses electrostatic paint guns to ensure that more paint sticks to the targeted surface. Also, the pressure has been adjusted to further improve the coating efficiency of the spray gun. This has allowed the standardization of painting which was once left in the hands of the operators. Also, the painting process is often jointly conducted with other companies. As a result, we work outside of our company to establish a uniform system of painting which has helped us achieve the industry’s top level of coating efficiency and now it stands 80% (in this company’s comparison).
Currently our Manufacturing Division checks our coating efficiency on a daily basis, ensuring that our lines pretty much attained our objective values. A similar operation is implemented at overseas production bases including China and Thailand, significantly contributing towards improving both environmentally and costly.